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AUD $3,305 of AUD $3,100 target.


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Claire Taylor

Claire Taylor

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Claire Taylor


Hello Friends, 

This year I am running 10km with the Scantec Team. We are pulling out our running gear and tipping up to raise funds for Small Steps 4 Hannah.  If you would like to know more about our chosen charity you can visit their site here  As those who know me are aware I am perhaps not in the best peak physical condition of my life.  However, I am ready to give this a red hot go for a very worthy cause.  

You can support my efforts and help me reach my fundraising goal by making a secure online donation. After donating you can even leave a message of support on my page – it would be great to read these.

Together we can make a big impact on race day!

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.

Thank you so much for your support!

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AUD $9,033 of AUD $20,000 target

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    Activity Summary

    Donate to make a difference

    Small Steps 4 Hannah Limited

    Small Steps 4 Hannah raises funds for the development of education and support programs that reduce incidences of domestic violence. In doing this we work with and support organisations that provide direct assistance to domestic violence victims across crisis situations, recovery and legal assistance.

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    Recent Donations


    Fundraising for

    is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

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